Monday, September 1, 2008

Why Palin? McCain's Call of the Wild

Scandal? Joke? Gimmick? Enough prejoratives have been loaded on poor Hack n' Sack Sarah in the past 48 hrs to melt the December snows of wherever it is that she was mayor of for a couple of months. The latest, of course, is the living out of the Anti-Abortion Creed, theological sanction for which is not to be found in the Bible or anywhere else other than in the roladecks of predominantly male, caucasian maniacs who reside primarily West of the Rockies in the United States of America. But the skewed vision that the apparently scantly vetted Palin brings to the table gives us no clue as to answering the buzzword of the Holiday weekend: "Why?"

Reviewing the many explanations given, I feel obliged to offer one more: survival. Not political, almost certainly. McCain's choice must be considered in the context of the long history of political assassination which has, coincidentally, marked the rise to power of the extreme right. Where do we begin? Actually, before November 22, 1963. September 24, 1955: the evening that Dwight Eisenhower suffered a near fatal heart-attack, immediately after eating dinner. Imagine, if Richard Nixon had been the sitting incumbent President in November, 1960? That Nixon should run in 1956 was suggested at the time. Fortunately, Ike was a tough old trooper and it didn't happen that way. But, the heart-attack drug has been in the hands of "intelligence" operatives for more years than we'd care to think. Not a decade ago, Walter Capps, who royally aggravated the California Republican Party by wresting the vaunted 23rd Congressional seat, which they had held for half a century, suffering a massive coronary failure, not six-months after his election. He too, had a history of congenital heart trouble - like John McCain, whose father and grandfather died of sudden heart failure at younger ages than their scion.

My suggestion is not that Rove, Bush, Black et al, and their corporate bosses, favored Romney as VP choice. They planned on it. When even mainstream Republicans rejected the cold, elitist, cop-tarian, patriarchial Mormon, the idea was to trojan him onto the ticket and then Pennsylvania Ave. Rove et al have never had much affection for "Maverick" John McCain, if any. In fact, he has been steadily perceived since and maybe a bit before the 2000 primary, as an impediment to neo-reactionary goals. Thus, the secretive, sudden nature of McCain's announcement - which really, for a change, was an authentic, inside secret, an act of defiance. Imagine now, had McCain been elected and suddenly died of heart-attack, plane crash (Paul Wellstone, JFK Jr), maybe even putative assassin's bullet (MLK, JFK, RFK, Wallace) early on in office (Willliam Henry Harrison, John Garfield style, even - way early on) - setting up a potential 12 years of Romney. Does that sound like the answer to Rove's wildest dreams?

I say, don't be too hard on poor ol' Hockey Momsy. McCain may be forced to dump her yet, or . . . worse could happen - and we're back to Romney. As Cofer Black famously pronounced: ". . . the gloves are off . . ." And my conviction is, seeing what's at stake if a real investigation of 9/11 were ever to ensue, these guys will stop at nothing to hold onto the reigns of power, as long as they ride the range and we continue to allow them to breathe the air that they've done so much to foul.

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