Monday, September 1, 2008

Adolf Hitler - Made in U.S.A. - Part I

Architect of the Holocaust

After all these years, my amazement never ceases over the continued interest in this depraved punk and his unfortunate legacy. There is yet a remarkable ignorance re: the forces which propelled him onto the world stage, and frankly, have since sustained him. As Martin Bormann, who, in essence, succeeded 'the fuhrer' as head of the the Nazi party, in directing their economic interests after 1945, escaping from the rubble of the ruins of the Riech, said something to the effect that: "A good backdoor slam is sometimes worth a little extra effort!"

Thus it is, perforce, with the favored economic interests of individuals, congeries, and nations. And perhaps, even more light should be shed on the people and ideas behind Hitler - especially, his loadstar and self-proclaimed model - that archdeacon of 20th century capitalism, Henry Ford - who truly, could and should be properly identified as the Architect of the Holocaust. Many of these same interests to which I've alluded, have done all in their power to make certain that this epithet is not attached. The glorification of capitalism, media staple of the post-Reagan era, seemingly depends on never letting the truth about the origins of World War II and our eventual descent into the nuclear option see daylight, no matter how many brilliant investigations have been made and found their way into print. In recent years, there have been many. 'The American Axis' and 'IBM and the Holocaust' are a few notable contributions in recent years to this expanding field of inquiry.

The most startling fact of Adolf Hitler's much perused career is, that by his own admission, he was not an anti-Semite, until he read 'The International Jew', the notorious, yet still somehow popular anthology of articles puublished under the auspices and with the financial resources of Ford.

Numerous reviews on the internet characterize this book as a collection of facts, “eye-opening”, “hard-hitting”. Here are a few facts:

Fact #1: Henry Ford did not invent the automobile, the assembly line, was an upper middle class kid, not a poor farm boy, did not engineer his auto designs, never finished high school. Henry Ford, by his own admission, did not write this book. Ford’s literacy appears to have been limited. He generally eschewed reading. He may actually have been incapable of sustained writing. The book, originally published in four pamphlets, is a collection of 20 articles written for The Dearborn Independent, a newspaper which Ford purchased in 1919 for the purpose of exposing what he had come to believe was an international conspiracy of Jewish bankers and bureaucrats who created World War I and the 1917 Bolshevik revolution in Russia, for the purpose of world domination. As a major capitalist industrialist – one can imagine the fear that was wrought in him especially by the latter event and the ensuing reactionary propaganda. Ford was a brilliant, wily businessman, and one can understand the publication of The International Jew as a proactive, pre-emptive response to a falsely envisioned threat perceived as real.

Fact #2: If Ford didn’t write the articles comprising the book, who did? We don’t know, exactly (that fact, in itself, might inform the prospective reader). However, we do know that two men were responsible for their publication: William Cameron, self-confessed anti-semite, and former reporter of The Detroit News and Ernest Liebold, lifelong confidant of Henry Ford, and for many years, number two man in the Ford Motor Company, a radically anti-semitic, Jew-hating German, later revealed by investigative journalism, the FBI, CIA, and the annals of history to be a Nazi spy and propagandist. Cameron later publicly claimed authorship for at least some of them.

Fact #3: Each chapter (article) begins with a selection from the notorious fraudulent manuscript, The Protocols of the Elders of Zion. This document was purported to be the confidential minutes of a Jewish conclave supposedly convened at the end of the 19th century to discuss plans for a world takeover by the Jews. Each chapter of The Protocols presents a supposedly Jewish lecture on how to subvert white, Gentile Western Civilization through the creation of wars and revolutions. The International Jew is a series of commentaries on these phony, scary diatribes, citing the supposed plan for world domination found in them as the source of contemporary world problems. The Protocols of the Elders of Zion was immediately recognized as a fraud by most scholars of the day, and, within a year of its initial publication in America, denounced almost universally as such. The book was discovered to be a forgery, ‘edited’ by a reactionary White Russian, racial supremicist, czarist restorationist, Serge Nilus. In the 1911 edition, Nilus claimed to have stolen the lecturers from a non-existent Zionist headquarters in France. In reality, this sham document was shown (in a side by side comparison of manuscripts appearing in 1920 in The London Times) to have been plagiarized, almost verbatim, directly from two sources: an obscure satire entitled A Dialogue in Hell between Montesquieu and Machiavelli written by a Frenchman named Maurice Joly and an 1868 novel, Biarritz, written by a German anti-semite, Hermann Goedsche.

Fact #4: Henry Ford, in his 1927 public recantation of The International Jew, in which he flatly denies authorship of the articles and rather incredulously claims that “ . . . it has been impossible for me to devote personal attention to their management or keep informed as to their contents . . .” declares: “I confess that I am deeply mortified that this journal (Dearborn Independent) . . . has been made the medium for resurrecting exploded fictions, for giving currency to the so-called Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion, which have been demonstrated, as I learn, to be gross forgeries, and for contending that the Jews have been engaged in a conspiracy to control the capital and the industries of the world, besides laying at the door many offenses against decency, public order and good morals.” He goes on to ask “forgiveness for the harm I have unintentionally committed, by retracting so far as lies within my power, the offensive charges laid at their door by these publications . . .”, etc. Their has, understandably, been skepticism among historians about the sincerity of this statement, which was made under public, financial, and forensic pressures.

Fact #5: Despite Ford’s expressed intent, the damage of seven years of continual anti-Jewish hate mongering had done its damage. The International Jew had been published in the language of every country where Ford manufactured and/or sold vehicles. Hundreds of thousands of copies were in circulation, and were often distributed for free at dealerships. The book was particularly popular in Germany, Eastern Europe, and Russia, where anti-semitic sentiment had already a long and painful history. In Germany, which, as the big loser of WWI, was suffering brutal depression and widespread starvation, the book fell into the hands of a down and out vet, Adolf Hitler. In perhaps the most remarkable passage in Mein Kampf, he reveals: “It is difficult today, if not impossible, to say when the word “Jew” first occasioned special thoughts in me. In my father’s house, I cannot recall ever having heard the word, and least while he lived. Linz possessed very few Jews. In the course of centuries their exteriors had become Europeanized and human looking. Indeed, I even took them for Germans. The nonsense of this conception was not clear to me, because I saw just a single distinctive characteristic, the alien religion. Since they had been persecuted because of it, as I believed, my aversion toward prejudicial remarks about them became almost detestation.”

Whether Hitler is credible here is perhaps questionable. Hitler became an anti-semite in his late teens. However, reading the vitriolic ant-Jewish hatred of The International Jew proved to be a transformational experience for the young Hitler. Well over 50 pages of Mein Kampf appear to be directly plagiarized or barely paraphrased from these pages of The Dearborn Independent. Most significantly prominent are the assertion that the world’s and Germany’s problems are the direct result of an attempted world takeover by an international Jewish conspiracy – and that the Jews, en masse, must be “eliminated” by some organized means. The International Jew appears to have provided for Hitler a cogent justification and framework for the articulation of his ideas.

Fact #6: Hitler was interviewed by Detroit News correspondent, Annetta Antona, at the then Nazi Party headquarters, in 1931. To her amazement, she found looming directly behind his desk, where he was seated, a huge oil canvas portrait of Henry Ford. She could not help but inquire. Hitler responded: “I regard Henry Ford as my inspiration”. When asked about his open anti-semitism, he responded: “Somebody has to be blamed for our troubles. Judaism means the rule of gold. We Germans are land-minded, not money-minded”.

Prince Louis Ferdinand, grandson of Kaiser Wilhelm, and an early supporter of Hitler, writes in his 1952 memoir, of a conversation he’d had with the new Fuhrer in 1933. At the time, Louis Ferdinand was on the Ford Motor Company Payroll as a sort of emissary to Germany, where it had plants, which would, during the War, notoriously provide the Nazi military with over 1/3 of its ground vehicles, and employ concentration camp and slave labor in building them. When the Prince asked Hitler if he could “take any message to my American boss in Detroit…” , he responded: “You can tell Herr Ford that I am a great admirer of his. I shall do my best to put his theories into practice in Germany.”

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